Are You a Nehemiah?
Recently I have been teaching through the book of Nehemiah on Wednesday evenings. It has been a true challenge and joy. This book gives us such a wonderful reminder of how God works in our world and in His people. John MacArthur says, "Nehemiah is a book about dreaming big dreams, about solving monumental problems, about the power of prayer, about standing strong in the face of harsh opposition, and about motivating people and leading groups to do great works for a great God." The book of Nehemiah truly speaks to all of the great needs facing us today. As I continue to study this rich book there are several things that should stand out and speak powerfully to us in our current times. Throughout the next several blog entries I'll be sharing some of these things.
Allow me to start where the book itself starts, with the man Nehemiah. Nehemiah must have been a unique and intriguing man. However, we get very little from the Scriptures about the make up of his personality. The Scriptures do tell us that he was a Jew and the cupbearer for King Artaxerxes during the time of the Babylonian captivity. Moreover, the Scriptures give us wonderful insight into his heart, character and integrity.
It goes without saying that anyone who stood in the unenviable position of king's cupbearer was an individual who possessed at least a high enough level of integrity to earn the king's trust (As cupbearer Nehemiah was the one who tasted the king's food and drink testing it for poison). One might argue that Nehemiah possessed such integrity because his life depended on it! While this may have been the case to a certain degree(Nehemiah 2:2), I believe his integrity was ultimately the result of his deep-seated faith in God.
It is this faith that drove Nehemiah to brokeness and contrition when he discovered that his homeland laid burned and in ruin. It is also this faith that gave Nehemiah the courage to ask the king to allow him to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city. Nehemiah was a man who saw the great need of his people and the great sin of his people against God. Although he easily could have continued living a life of ease and comfort as a member of the king's court, his concern was for something greater than himself. He developed a burden for change.
Today, more than ever, we need individuals of character like Nehemiah who will look beyond their own comforts, desires, and pleasures in this life and will see the ruin that exists as the result of God's people once again falling captive. No longer captive to the Babylonians, Persians, Assyrians, etc., rather captive to selfishness, lust, materialism, greed, covetousness, and so forth. We need leaders cast from the mold of Nehemiah who will allow themselves to be broken before God and cry out for true change. We need "Christians" who once again care enough about God's people, plan, and purposes that with great courage will hear the voice of God, step out on faith, and become an instrument of change! Are you a Nehemiah?
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