Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Should the Church Provide Healthcare?

Recently I visited with an individual from the North American Mission Board regarding the possibilities of beginning a free medical clinic ministry hosted by the church I pastor. The clinic's purpose would be to address the needs of the underprivileged in our community (those who likely cannot afford health insurance or prescription drugs). The clinic would be staffed by medical volunteers in the area, and all the equipment and supplies, including basic pharmaceuticals, would be donated free of charge. The clinic would be open a couple of days each month and would provide a great opportunity for our church to build relationships with many individuals and families right in our neighborhood.

This seems like a wonderful opportunity for our church and community. There are a handful of other churches across the state of Oklahoma who are currently doing this type of ministry, but none in our area or the neighboring areas. Nevertheless, this opportunity raises some interesting and challenging theological questions: Should the church involve itself in health care? Is there a scriptural basis for such church involvement? If so, what is it? Does this sort of endeavor fall under the umbrella of "social gospel" rather than "hot gospel"? Will the church be demonstrating the love and compassion of Christ or will we simply be enabling the poor to remain poor?

All of these issues and concerns are definitely pertinent to the overarching question that so many Christians and churches must tackle today, that is, how can we address the needs of our communities without compromising the integrity of the gospel? These are tough questions, but ones that we as believers must be willing to take on, discuss, and come to sound biblical answers regarding. I'm interested to know your thoughts and views. Please post a comment offering your opine.


Anonymous,  February 26, 2009 at 5:49 PM  


I think it would be a great outreach for your church to start a clinic at the church. As representatives of Jesus, we need to reach the lost where they need us. The sick came to Jesus and he also went to them, providing healing. If we can meet the needs of the sick by providing a place for a health clinic, then are we not being like Jesus? We are called to reach the lost. If a clinic is what it takes to open the door into their life, then let God open the door to the clinic.

Joseph Leal February 27, 2009 at 9:16 AM  


Thanks for your comments, I think you are right on!

Anonymous,  August 13, 2009 at 2:47 PM  

Pastor Leal - I am a native of Oklahoma - and have since settled in Pensacola, Florida. Our Association has a Health & Hope Clinic and it is outstanding seeing many saved. It currently operates out of the Pensacola Bay Baptist Association office (along with a counseling ministry). Check it out at

- Rev Kev

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